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What to know about the types of moving quotes in Canada
If you are not a professional mover, there are big chances that you won’t understand the industry’s lingo. We are sure that things such as “non-binding estimate,” “binding estimate,” and “binding not-to-exceed estimate” doesn’t mean anything to you. So do you need to be professional to have smooth relocation? No, but you need to know certain things about types of moving quotes in Canada. If you need to hire movers Canada, the best option is to read this article till the end, so you can discuss it with the movers on the professional level.
Why do you need moving quotes?
So, you are asking yourself why do you need moving quotes, and why this is a good idea? Well, moving professionals think that you can get the best possible price if you compare a few moving quotes and adapt them based on your own needs. You don’t need to hire the first moving company you have called. You can get multiple quotes and later decide if their services meet your needs. So, that’s why you need to learn what types of moving quotes in Canada exist.
The best thing about relocation is estimates and the option to get free estimates from several companies.
If you get a moving quote from several reliable companies, you are less likely to be deceived. By getting quotes from movers, you are avoiding companies that are unreliable or don’t even have an option to give you the quote. Also, one more extra tip is to always look for the desired moving company online. If that moving company doesn’t have a site or has bad comments on different websites, you should know that you might be dealing with a fake moving company.
Types of moving quotes in Canada
As we already mentioned, there are a few different types of moving quotes in Canada. It can be useful to know each of them before you contact province to province movers. Understanding the details of your moving quote, on the other hand, is critical to a successful relocation. So, what types of moving quotes in Canada do exist? Here is the list of three types that is important for you:
Binding Estimate
Binding Not-To-Exceed Estimate
Non-Binding estimate
Binding Estimate
For instance, professionals came to your home to provide you with a quote. They weighed the contents of your 2 rooms and calculated the anticipated weight of the cargo. They will calculate a total charge for you based on that projected weight.
If you are preparing for a long distance moving, and you want a binding estimate, you need to be aware of certain things. If the specified amount is binding, you must pay that price regardless of what happens. Even if your cargo weighs more than the moving company expected, you will only be charged the quoted price. But still, on the other side, if you have less weight than estimated, you still need to pay a binding amount from the beginning.
You should compare a few different offers to get the best possible estimate.
This is a great option for some people when it comes to moving costs, but be sure you are getting a fair price. As we already mentioned, use free moving quotes to compare a few companies to get the best possible bidding estimate price.
To be sure everything would be as the moving company said, The FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) has a few rules when it comes to bidding moving estimates, and here are some of them:
In the estimate, the moving business must mention that the estimate is binding.
The moving company must present the client with a written estimate.
The mover cannot collect extra fees as the relocation advances without alerting the consumer.
Binding not-to-exceed estimates are one of the types of moving quotes in Canada
Although a contractual not-to-exceed quote is established, it may still be less than the initial quotation. The binding not-to-exceed quotation, like a binding estimate, includes a cap on your overall moving expenses. But, if the movers discover that they miscalculated the entire weight of your container, they will deduct the extra amount from your final charge.
Well, some of the best cross Canada movers think that this is the best possible option. According to them, this kind of estimate gives you a clear picture of your moving costs and also is great because it’s a kind of flexible version of an estimate.
Non- Bidding estimate
Movers will be able to give you the estimate, but be sure that this estimate won’t be final. Movers need to weigh everything on a moving day to tell you the exact price of the whole relocation. We do not recommend you this kind of estimate because the moving costs will be higher on a moving day.
If you run into a moving company that will give you only non-binding estimates, we can also recommend you skip that kind of company? Why? Because Accepting a non-binding quote might result in you paying more than you anticipated. That’s because if a company provides you a low-ball, non-binding estimate but your overall price is higher, you’ll be required to pay the initial estimate plus an extra 10% at the date of shipment. We can all agree that this is not the best possible option when it comes to moving estimates.
Be careful when it comes to non-biding estimates. It’s not the best possible option.
If you want to have smooth relocation and not spend a fortune on it, ask your moving company to give you an in-house estimate. When movers come to your house they can clearly see what they need to handle, so they can give you a more precise estimate than a sales agent over the phone. Be sure that you have already checked online reviews and comments about your desired moving company, you want to hire someone reliable to take care of your belongings.
As you can see, there are a few types of moving quotes in Canada, So make sure you’ve read this post thoroughly so you can deal with moving company quotes properly when the time comes. Happy moving!