Along with this alteration, you probably have to change homes, especially if your new business location takes you a long way from where you currently reside. It is estimated that about eighty percent of firms, especially the small ones, go through office relocations every five to ten years. The reasons for these location changes vary from expansion to downsizing. Even so, they usually come with similar demands. Although this procedure is daunting, there are various steps you can abide by to shape your relocation into a smooth one while maintaining business operations as usual.
One Month Prior
With four weeks to spare before the moving day, make sure that you get the following tasks done:
- Single outcross Canada movers to handle the relocation. Ensure that you confirm the company handles office relocations and not just home moves. Also, get movers in Canada that fit your budget while offering all the services you would prefer. If your company has cars, ask if they offer auto transport services before turning to a separate agency for the service.
- Go through office belongings and declutter. The items you no longer need can be given to charity or sold.
- Send notices about your decision to move to all necessary organizations such as the landlords, customers, and utility providers.
- Take time to update your software and technology so that employees can get used to a new wave of efficiency by the time they get to the new office.
A Fortnight Prior
The big moving day is edging closer, and now you need to get deeper into the planning process by doing as so:
- Start putting belongings in containers. You can have employees take care of their personal belongings and files while the general ones are handled collectively. Use labels to identify what is in each carton to make the arrangement process more manageable in the new office.
- Contact service providers and cancel service provisions, including newspapers, magazines, cleaners, security, and lawn maintenance.
- Draft a floor plan of how the new office will look like. It is advisable to have a first-hand look at the space before getting down to this task. Take some photos of the new area to help you plan better. Decide whether you want an open office plan or would like to have cubicles for the privacy of each employee. It is advisable to consider the staff’s opinion as well.
A Week Prior
The week before the relocation should mostly involve final touches. The staff should start cleaning up their work areas, and most of their belongings should be in containers. Electronic devices like PCs, telephones, and copiers should also start going into cartons. Take time to contact the long distance movers in Canada that you chose to confirm that you are still on for the said date.
The Day Before
- With barely twenty-four hours to go, hold a meeting to inform everyone of what to expect the next day.
- Clarify the roles of each party to avoid any confusion.
- Minimize the involvement of employees that will still be handling company matters.